Saturday, July 7, 2007

Value added today? Hmmm, think again...

What a non-day today... Nothing much happened.

Imperfect yogi wakes up (with a little hang-over), imperfect yogi drinks herbal cleansing tea and rushes out under the rain to teach a packed hot yoga class. Imperfect yogi has a shower before teaching a packed yin yoga class. Imperfect yogi comes home his family, has lunch and falls asleep.

Imperfect yogi wakes up (with no more hang-over), imperfect yogi drinks herbal energizing tea and rushes out under the sun to teach a packed power yoga class. Imperfect yogi comes home to his dogs, and decides to update his blog.

Hmmm, not much to today, is there? We will see. It is 8PM and I am trying to talk myself into practicing then meeting friends and Mister Imperfect Yogi for drinks.

I will confirm tomorrow whether any of the above pre-set objectives has been achieved. Until then, let me say ('one more time') that I will never drink alcohol again.


Imperfect Yogi

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