Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sahaja, sweet Sahaja


Om purna madah purna midam

Purnat purnamudacyate

Purnasya purnamadaya


Om Shantih Shantih Shantih

That is whole/perfect

This is whole/perfect;

The whole becomes manifest;

Taking away the whole

From the whole,

The whole remains.

Om peace peace peace

Beautiful beautiful beautiful practice today. I had it all planned out, fire practice, and it did not happen. As I woke up this morning, I felt water in me, and let it rise. So I ended up doing a beautiful Sahaja fire practice with water surging at every corner. It was amazing. I was totally in the space, for 2 hours, moving around smoothly, breathing deeply, loving each breath, letting Shakti breathe me fully each time. I went into very nice arm balances, handstands... but the most delightful instants were these spontaneous movements, wave-like, arising through my skin and pores, surging to the surface from within, like lava out of the sea... I felt so free, so whole, so present... Mhhhh. The whole room had a beautiful energy today, everyone started oming in the end, a sea of oms and chants. I let a mantra rise out through my voice, and it was beautiful. Bliss... Shiva did not come to me, but i did not want her to today. I was in my space and did not want to be disturbed. She distributed As at the end of class, and I did not get one. I think it was for the 200hours certification people who needed a little boos of confidence, so it's cool.

Om Namah Shivaya.

Love and peace and bliss


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