After Bali, I was in Japan for the week-end, assisting Shiva-ji for a Love-centered round of workshops in Yokohama and Tokyo. Yesterday, after an intense emotional burst of energy in Hridaya meditation, my very first teacher (bless her heart), who attended the workshop, described these last 12 to 18 months in her world as Cosmic Chaos. Incidentally, Patrick-dear, who was in Singapore last week to instill transformation in the Singapore community, was commenting on how many established relationships, heart- centered or else, were dissolved around him in the last year. I was making the very same comment to an old friend from school on my way to Bali 2 weeks ago, who was wondering how her marriage could collapse so unexpectedly after 12 years of bliss and 3 amazing children.
Look! It is all around us! As much love and commitment there is in all of us, we have been in a period of cosmic chaos in the last year and a half, where the destructive ('transformative') energy of Lord Shiva has been sweeping across this world: tensions flaring across the political circles of the Planet, the credit-crunch scandal and resulting collapse of the financial markets, the number of dead relationships that rest in peace in the love cemetery of 2008, food shortages and deaths around the world... And how many more examples could we draw from our own humble individual lives?
Meiji-dori, after banging the cosmic drums
I, as so many of us, am going through deep changes, and even (or especially?) when you think you are done with your sacrificial fire, and that you have nothing left to burn, your heart ignites and you are up for another round on the yogic merry-go-round of Change. To be painfully honest, if I go for any more round on this yogic roller-coaster this year, that will be the last anyone sees of me for a few good years!
What stays, however, is that Life is still beaming around us, whether we are on top of the world, on in the low lands of our days. Today can still bring you the most amazing treasure, and give your journey a completely new, exciting and unexpected turn. And awareness, our pranic weapon of mass creation, allows us to see the silver lining in all things. So delight in the taste of the sweet juicy mango when it's in your mouth, then take a deep and long bite in the lemon, knowing that the bitterness of this moment will make the next mango even more orgasmic!
Spinning the pois in Yokohama
I have much to share - OF COURSE - after 2 weeks with my sweet teacher friend, Shiva, and I will write more after I have made it safely back home. However, through the internal turmoil, pain and wonder of the last 2 weeks, with much Prana moving painfully upwards through my body, I have established one conviction: the Fire is the (only) way through. So let's prepare to self-combust together when we gather again on the mat for our sacred practices.
The time has come to turn your heart into a temple of fire. — Rumi
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
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