Saturday, August 4, 2007

So tired still...

I have been back for a week for LA, and my cold is finally getting under control. I refused to take any sort of medication, and let my body deal with it the natural way: rest (somewhat) and good food. It was quite uncomfortable, especially the alternating blocked ears. It's a challenge in general, but when you teach a class can't ever hear what you are saying, that's a toughie. Anyhow, things are better now, although I am still tired, and recovering from the lack of sleep of the LAX-SIN flight. I slept another 9 hours last night, which is way too much for my own good, but I guess i needed it.

Life is good otherwise, although I still feel like not much happening here. I mean, I am glad to be teaching, to be home, and so on, but it's such a low down compared to the excitement of the last 2 weeks. I did not quite figure it out until i recovered from my cold, but I am feeling a little bit depressed. Also, my cold has prevented me from having the kick-ass practice I had back in LA, and I feel down about it. I will do my best to rekindle the source, but I miss Shiva so much. I feel like my practice has dried out to bits since coming back. My teaching is definitely better, my students love it, but I feel that I may not be doing all I can. Horrible recurring sense of not being enough...

I think I need to go and get more of Shiva this year. It will have to be Kerala or Venice. I am waiting for Daphne, Shiva's manager, to send me the latest info on her schedule, and I will make my decision.

Well, that's it for today, not much I figure.


1 comment:

Pet Me (aka Mister G) said...

don't feel down babe. I'm sure u r very good.
Il faut juste se remettre à la routine habituelle.